Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kelo v. City of New London

Citizens from all over the world have experienced this violent type of wrongdoing and believe this law should be prohibited. Not only do thousands of Americans and others agree with me, but their personal stories and personal experiences have affected them tremendously.

Imagine the home of your dreams became a reality all of a sudden and out of nowhere, the government wanted to create other buildings and construction in its place, just for the entertainment of others. Your home and your personal dreams were now vanishing and there was nothing you could do about it. Well, for Susette Kelo, this was not just something she imagined, but a plan that was turning into reality. “Over a series of private meetings and conversations with him, she had hammered the idea that Pfizer could become New London’s economic savior. A decision to build a research facility in the city would be akin to getting Macy’s to anchor a newly constructed mall, only on a larger scale” (Benedict, 40).

Susette had just bought a pink beach house in New London, Connecticut and just months late, Pfizer, the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, wanted to take that away from her. Susette’s battle against the board, otherwise known as the 2005 Supreme Court decision, Kelo v. City of New London, lasted for eight years. Susette was in awe, along with thousands of others, and after 8 years of fighting, she reluctantly won the battle.

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